Calendar of Events

Knoxville Classical Guitar: Daniel/Petar Duo in Concert

  • March 6, 2021

Category: Music

Knoxville Classical Guitar is excited to present the Daniel/Petar Duo in concert. Join us on March 6th at 7:00 PM at the Fountain City Art Center, 213 Hotel Road, Knoxville, TN, 37918. Tickets: $30 (in-person), $20 (online)

This concert has limited seating! Please use the link below to purchase tickets in advance.

Petar & Daniel Guitar Duo explores an eclectic repertoire ranging from Spanish, Latin, and Balkan to traditional classical music repertoire. Their performances include original works for the formation, as well as arrangements specially designed for the duo. Petar & Daniel Guitar Duo’s repertoire aims to reach not only traditional audiences, but to bring guitar music to the general public, who may be unfamiliar with the instrument’s repertoire and techniques. Petar and Daniel have fused their native Serbian and Brazilian cultural heritages and combined their guitar skills to accomplish this goal.

COVID-19 Information: Masks are required to attend this concert. Social-distancing guidelines will be in place. We will stream the entire show to members of our audience members who would like to participate in the concert virtually. Seating will be limited.