Calendar of Events

Sustainable Future Center: Nature Journaling

  • October 17, 2020

Category: Classes, workshops, Health, wellness, Kids, family and Science, nature

Saturday, October 17th 10am-12pm

"The pleasure and value of every walk or journey we take may be doubled to us by carefully noting down the impressions it makes upon us.”
—John Burroughs

Great activity for kids and adults! Nature journaling is a relaxing, meditative experience that
will deepen your connection with the natural world. Throughout history, many of our most notable naturalists and scientific discoveries were inspired by observations recorded in journals. In this class, we will do some fun activities and learn prompts that will improve your observation skills and inspire your journaling. You don't have to be an artist, you just need to be curious about the world around you! Bring a notebook with blank pages, pencil, and colored pencils (optional). This program is recommended for ages 8 through adult. LIMITED TO 15 PARTICIPANTS

Visitor safety is our top priority. For health and safety reasons, we are limiting the number of participants. We will also be practicing social distancing during this program. We ask that everyone bring a mask in case there are times that we are unable to social distance.

Class Instructor: Clare Park Dattilo
Clare Dattilo is a Park Ranger at Seven Islands State Birding Park. She is also a teacher at Knox Forest School and has worked as a Naturalist at Ijams Nature Center and an Interpretive Ranger at Mammoth Cave National Park. She is a certified Southern Appalachian Naturalist through the Tremont Institute and has been nature journaling for many years. Clare is passionate about sharing her love of the natural world with others through teaching.
